Strategic Application
insights + application = transformation
You have the data, information, and insights to set the parameters for innovation projects. Your team members are equipped with the essential knowledge and skills they need to execute the projects. Now you have the basics, and it is time to start their applications.
Innovation projects can have multiple short-term and long-term purposes: finding exciting technologies and services to collaborate with or invest in, bringing new business ideas to the market, building a vibrant entrepreneurial community around your company, to name a few. When you start tech scouting, startup investment, business contents, and open innovation spaces, you must have a setup for success.
Our Strategic Application services will provide practical experience and knowledge in the execution of those applications, and vital network and connections to the innovators such as entrepreneurs and ecosystem leaders in Silicon Valley. It takes years to build your reputation and relationship with Silicon Valley, but we are here to accelerate the process and guide you to your goal fast and efficiently. We customize each project in detail, depending on your goals, timeline, and current corporate environment. Please get in touch with us to discuss how we can design projects for you.
applications examples
Startup Investment
PoC Platform
Corporate Venture Capital
Open Innovation Space and Community Design
past projects examples
Market Validation for technology startups
AI and Machine Learning Startup scouting for IT company
Partnership Building for an Open Innovation Space between Silicon Valley and Japan