Training & Education

When you know your goals in your innovation, new business development, and transformation of your company and culture, it is crucial to make sure you have the talents who are capable of driving the change.

Utilizing Silicon Valley Ecosystem required some new skillsets and mindset to be obtained. Teams need to have hard skills such as proven entrepreneurial concepts, methodologies of innovation, and technical knowledge, and soft skills such as efficiently building and maintaining relationships with the ecosystem, entrepreneurial and growth mindset, and intercultural communication skills.

Our workshops and seminars are designed to provide the essence of those vital skill sets to practice what you learn in a short period. We offer customized contents to each program based on our clients' goals, needs, and corporate strategies. The program's length can vary from half a day to 1 week or longer, depending on the goals to achieve through the training.

Program Examples

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past programs

  • Executive Education Program for a financial organization

  • Experience Silicon Valley Program for manufacturing SMEs

  • Multi-client HR tech Leadership Program

  • Entrepreneurship Workshop for startups

  • Principles of Productivity Workshop for a IT company